OpenGL Rasterization

OpenGL Realtime Rasterization Engine

Real-time rendering engine written in C++ and OpenGL 4.3.


Implemented features:

  • ImGui integration
  • Frustum culling
  • Shadow mapping (Percentage closer filtering)
  • Microfacet BRDF : Metallic and roughness
  • Textures : Diffuse, mettalic, roughness, normals (normal mapping)
  • Normal mapping (left with, right without)
  • Irradiance Mapping (precomputation of the diffuse irradiance component from an environment map)
  • Skyspheres & skyboxes support
  • HDR tone mapping (gamma et exposition)
Visual impact of varying material roughness
Normal mapping increases the perceived level of details at equal level of geometry details
Pre-integrated environment map for realtime time use with rough surfaces


This project is open-source on Github: OpenGL Real-time