Geometric Modeling
C++, QT6, Geometric Modeling (SDF, Bezier surfaces, mesh deformations)
This project implements the representation of implicit surfaces using SDFs and their meshing using a marching cube algorithm. Some boolean operators are also defined on the SDFs (union, smooth union, intersection, difference, …). Signed distance functions are very powerful tools (cf. Inigo Quilez’ Shadertoy profile). This project also implements revolution surfaces, generation of a mesh from a Bezier surface description and mesh local deformations.
- Signed distance functions
- Boolean operators on SDFs (union, smooth union, intersection, difference, …)
- Ray marching algorithm for meshing an SDF

- Meshing of a Bezier surface with arbitrary precision
- Local deformation of a mesh

- Revolution surfaces using a Bezier curve as the revolution profile
- Mesh twisting operator

This project is open-source on Github: Geometric Modeling